otippat bra
Hittade en bra låt. kan dock inte hitta den på Spotify, vilket gör mig lite irriterad :P Skönt att kunna spela all musik via samma ställe.
Tryck på bilden för att lyssna.

I watched you sleeping quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but there's some things that need to be said
And it's all that I can hear, It's more than I can bare
What if I fall and hurt myself? Would you know how to fix me
What if I went and lost myself? Would you know where to find me
If I forgot who I am, would you please remind me oh?
Cause without you things go hazy
Tryck på bilden för att lyssna.

I watched you sleeping quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but there's some things that need to be said
And it's all that I can hear, It's more than I can bare
What if I fall and hurt myself? Would you know how to fix me
What if I went and lost myself? Would you know where to find me
If I forgot who I am, would you please remind me oh?
Cause without you things go hazy
Postat av: Emma
Ja, dom är ju lite roligare än de traditionella plattorna :)
Postat av: Emma
ja det var mycket trevligt!
farmor hade så mycket snygga kläder att skänka bort med :)
tack för alla kläder förresten, jag är helt kär i den gula väskan.
neej jag tror inte sara bloggar, hon har inte sagt något iallafall